10 Ways to Conserve Water In Your Swimming Pool

A water drop is shown in the middle of it.

10 Ways to Conserve Water In Your Swimming Pool

10 Ways to Conserve Water In Your Swimming Pool

When you live in a state of city that is mostly desert, like Arizona, water conservation is always on the priority list. Especially when you hear states like California facing another year of drought conditions. States residents in the surrounding areas are increasingly feeling the impact too. Restrictions and cutbacks are being implemented across many states, and everyone needs to be doing their part to conserve water. Even installing a few digital flow meters can save tens of gallons of water each year (per household).

What About Swimming Pools?

A concern that always rises when talking about water conservation is “what about swimming pools?” Aren’t swimming pools the biggest water wasters of them all? Some pool industry experts say otherwise. In fact, once a pool is filled, it uses less water per day than an irrigated lawn as long as the pool is properly maintained. There are four main ways a swimming pool wastes water. In no particular order the culprits are water evaporation, swimming pool leaks, backwashing the filter, and splashing out. Did you know without a cover, a pool loses about 1 inch of water per week, which can be upwards of 7,000 gallons annually. Here in Arizona, a typical pool can lose up to 25,000 gallons a year just in water evaporation. A normal 2 minute backwash for a sand filter wastes about 200 gallons of water. So you try and remedy these water wasting ways by remembering a few things to help conserve where you can and keep yourself educated. If you’re a current pool owner, or about to be one, it’s important to take care of your pool to avoid wasting water. Here are some facts and tips to consider.

Help Conserve Your Swimming Pool Water

  • Keep your pool covered if not being used – A solar cover can minimize evaporation that occurs day and night.
  • Avoid splashing water out of the pool – I know, this one is tough. Just try and keep the splashing inside the pool.
  • Have your pool and its plumbing tested for leaks – Make sure to repair any visible leaks by reaching out to a water leak detection company. To find if you have a leak that is under ground, mark your pool level near your skimmer. Come back after 24 hours and see if your water level changed. What needs to be looked at is that your water pipes, drainage system, and other mechanisms are working well enough. In case of it not working at full capacity, seeking a professional consult would be a prudent option. If you live near Temecula, you could get experts such as Z PLUMBERZ of Temecula, or other similar plumbing specialists to take a look at your plumbing.
  • Do not overfill – If your topping off your pool and leave unattended you might overfill and then need to drain the excess water. We recommend installing an automatic water leveler.
  • Use chemicals judiciously – Do not over treat your pool. It may lead to corrosion in your pipes over a span of time, leading to more plumbing problems.
  • Keep pool and filters clean – This reduces the number of times you have to backwash. As well as the amount of water you have to run out before the dirty water has been purged.
  • Water your plants with backwash water – Instead of letting your water run down the street or dump into the city drain. Use as much as you can to water your yard, trees and plants.
  • Add chemicals at night – The sun speeds up the dissipation process of your chlorine.
  • Keep water level low – Keep your water about an inch or so above your tile line. This can also prevent the water leaving the pool being splashed around.
  • Turn off fountains and waterfalls when not needed – You can save energy and water from aeration and evaporation by shutting these off when they are not needed.

Please leave a comment about different ways you help conserve water with you swimming pool. If you have any questions about ways to help conserve your swimming pool water give us a call at 623-939-1346 or come your local Pool Supply Warehouse retail store and one of our pool care professionals will be happy to help!

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